Sujets d'actualité - Semaine du 22 décembre 2024
Wolters Kluwer Canada vous souhaite un très joyeux temps des Fêtes!
Service à la clientèle et Centre de soutien - Horaire modifié pour la période des Fêtes 2024 (HE) Remarque : Le soutien téléphonique n'est offert que les lundis et mardis exclusivement aux clients Taxprep et CCH iFirm et cessera à la fin de l'année. Les produits CCH AnswerConnect, AliForm, CCH Engagement, CCH Practice Management, CCH Scan et CCH Site Builder sont déjà uniquement supportés par demandes de soutien en ligne. Pour obtenir plus de détails sur les façons de communiquer avec nous, veuillez consulter notre site Web d'entreprise. Plateforme de soutien : tout ce qu'il faut savoir
Veuillez consulter les vidéos ci-dessous pour savoir comment vous inscrire à la plateforme de soutien et optimiser son utilisation : Articles les plus consultés de notre base de connaissances la semaine dernière
Cet article est disponible en anglais seulement
Date : 2024-déc.-18
Cantax T1Plus
System Requirements
To correctly execute the latest version of Cantax T1, your computer system must have the following:
System Requirements
To correctly execute the latest version of Cantax T1, your computer system must have the following:
Supported operating systems
- Windows 10 (32-bit and 64-bit) Pro and Enterprise Editions*
- Windows 11 (64-bit) Pro Edition*
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows Server 2019
- Windows Server 2022
* For more information on the different Windows Editions, and their respective
minimum requirements, consult the Microsoft Web site:
Note: RAM requirements are highly dependent on the operating system used. Please refer to the documentation provided with your
operating system for minimum and recommended RAM requirements.
Important: We are strongly recommending that all customers enable the enhanced security measures available in
Windows 10 or higher operating system, including SMB 3.0 encryption for data in transit. Since the configuration of SMB 3.0 is explicit,
please consult this Microsoft article to proceed with its configuration.Microsoft .Net Framework
Microsoft .Net Framework v.4.8.0 or higher is required.
Network File Systems
- FAT32
- exFAT
PDF Printer
Cantax is compatible with the Amyuni PDF Document Converter 6.5.
Internet Connection
- An Internet connection is required to use electronic services available with Cantax.
- The TLS 1.2 protocol must be enabled in the Microsoft Edge browser settings.
Browser configuration required to use the Download CRA Tax Data service
If you can access the CRA’s Represent a Client service with your Web browser, your configuration should normally allow you to use the
Download CRA Tax Data functionality.
The recommended configuration for Microsoft Edge is as follows:
- the defined Internet security level is the default level;
- the TLS 1.2 protocol is used;
- the cookies are enabled; and
- the JavaScript function is enabled.
If the above is not complied with, you might be unable to access the CRA log in services.
The CRA Represent a Client service uses persistent cookies. These persistent cookies will not log nominative data.