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Date: 2014-Sep.-22
Add Client Filters

Client filters have been created to assist you in identifying files that could be affected by a situation that was the subject of a Troubleshooting Memo for one of the 2014 Taxprep for Trusts versions.

The following procedure provides you with instructions for downloading and using these client filters.

Download a filter

To download a filter, click the appropriate link in the list below and save the file in the predefined folder for filters and diagnostics.

Find the location for the client filters

To find the predefined folder for customized client filters, proceed as follows:

  1. Launch Taxprep for Trusts.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Options and Settings.
  3. Under Options, click File Locations.
  4. Verify the predefined location for the filters and diagnostics. After the installation, the default location is usually the following: My Documents\CCH\T3 Taxprep 2014\Filter and Diagnostics\.

Using the client filter

  1. Display the Client Manager. If your files are not displayed, click the Search In: button, then select the folder(s) where the files are located.
  2. Click the Current View button, then in My Filters select the filter that you just added.

Available client filters

Subject Version Type Client Filter
This filter displays a list of clients whose taxation year ends in 2014, who are eligible for a dividend tax credit and for whom the surtax amount is not calculated for purposes of lines 22 and 23. 3.0 - 2014 Troubleshooting
(week of September 21, 2014)
T3ON - Incorrect Surtax Calculation - Calcul erroné de la surtaxe
This filter displays a list of clients for whom a Québec tax amount is calculated on line 103 of the TP-646 return (Jump Code: Q) even though the taxable income (line 99) is nil. 2.0 - 2014 Troubleshooting
(week of March 2, 2014)
TP-646 - Error at line 103 - Erreur à la ligne 103