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Sujets d'actualité - Semaine du 22 juillet 2024
Changements apportés aux services de soutien pour AnswerConnect
À compter du 22 juillet, les clients de CCH AnswerConnect devront soumettre leurs demandes de soutien exclusivement par l'entremise de notre système de demandes en ligne, pour un service plus rapide!

Inscrivez-vous à notre plateforme de soutien pour soumettre, modifier et faire le suivi de toutes vos demandes en ligne à partir d'un seul endroit. Pour plus de détails sur le système de demandes en ligne et les meilleures pratiques s’y rattachant, nous nous vous invitons à regarder les vidéos suivantes : 
Nouvel horaire téléphonique de nos équipes
Veuillez prendre note du nouvel horaire des services téléphoniques du Service à la clientèle et du Soutien technique et fiscal :

Du lundi au jeudi
De 8 h 30 à 18 h (HE)
Remarque : Les produits CCH AnswerConnectAliForm, CCH Engagement, CCH Practice Management, CCH Scan et CCH Site Builder sont désormais uniquement supportés par demandes de soutien en ligne, lesquelles peuvent être soumises par la Plateforme de soutien 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7, ainsi que par clavardages en direct, lesquels sont gérés du lundi au vendredi entre 8 h 30 et 18 h, HE.
Date : 2018-oct.-2
Data Security Best Practices

Dear Customer:

Data security is a top concern for accountants. Data security is also a top concern for Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting North America. We continue to work diligently to address security issues that may impact our solutions and partner with our customers in the on-going effort to help secure your data.

Accordingly, as we approach and prepare for the upcoming tax season, we wanted to share some important information and reminders regarding safeguarding your organization’s data and your client’s personal information.

When you are hosting an on-premise solution, your organization should ensure it is implementing the most up-to-date data security best practices. This includes ensuring your data is encrypted both in transit and at rest. It’s important to note that the operating systems your organization utilizes can affect the data security of your environment, and as a rule of thumb, older systems can be less secure. At this time we are strongly recommending that all customers enable the enhanced security measures available in Windows 8 or higher operating system, including SMB 3.0 encryption for data in transit. Please note that Windows 7 does not support SMB 3.0 encryption for data in transit and is not recommended.

Steps to enable SMB 3.0 Encryption can be found here:

Change your password. Take a minute to change your password. It is recommended to change passwords every 60-90 days. Use a strong password that contains a combination of upper-case letters, lower-case letters, numbers and special characters. Passwords should be at least eight characters long. Passwords should not be reused across multiple systems so that a loss of credentials in one system won’t compromise others that used the same.

Enable multi-factor authentication when available. Your password is a single factor in the authentication process that verifies a user’s identity. Multi-factor authentication requires a second factor in addition to the password as part of the authentication process. This requirement adds another layer of protection against hacking and fraud attempts.

Please feel free to contact our technical support team by phone at 1-800-268-4522 or by e-mail to if you have any questions.

Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting North America