Sujets d'actualité - Semaine du 15 décembre 2024
Wolters Kluwer Canada vous souhaite un très joyeux temps des Fêtes!
Service à la clientèle et Centre de soutien - Horaire modifié pour la période des Fêtes 2024 (HE) Remarque : Le soutien téléphonique n'est offert que les lundis et mardis exclusivement aux clients Taxprep et CCH iFirm et cessera à la fin de l'année. Les produits CCH AnswerConnect, AliForm, CCH Engagement, CCH Practice Management, CCH Scan et CCH Site Builder sont déjà uniquement supportés par demandes de soutien en ligne. Pour obtenir plus de détails sur les façons de communiquer avec nous, veuillez consulter notre site Web d'entreprise. Plateforme de soutien : tout ce qu'il faut savoir
Veuillez consulter les vidéos ci-dessous pour savoir comment vous inscrire à la plateforme de soutien et optimiser son utilisation : Articles les plus consultés de notre base de connaissances cette semaine
Cet article est disponible en anglais seulement
Date : 2023-déc.-7
CPA Engagement Templates for CCH Engagement
We are pleased to announce the latest release of the CPA Engagement Templates.
Please note that these templates are based on the latest release of the Professional Engagement Guide (PEG), which complies with the Canadian Auditing Standards and the review and compilation standards (Other Canadian Standards).
New in this release
This version includes a set of new revised forms for group audits which has been developed as a result of the revised CAS 600, effective for audits of financial statements for periods beginning on or after December 15, 2023.
Download Instructions
Please note that this version is only available for download. If you need assistance to retrieve your username and password, contact Customer Service at 1-800-268-4522 or register to our Support Platform and submit a support ticket.
Important: Before downloading the CPA Engagement Templates, read the document entitled Download and Technical Information.
You will then be able to download the new version of the CPA Engagement Templates and the related documentation. Please take note of your activation key, which is displayed in the Master Activation Key section, as you will need it during the installation.
The CPA Engagement Templates are available as an annual subscription. During the subscription period, Wolters Kluwer will give you acccess to any changes or updates to the programs and checklists at no extra charge.
Please note that the CPA Canada Member Services Group requires subscribers to CPA Engagement Templates to also be PEG subscribers.
Subscribe to the CCH Engagement e-Bulletin
If you have not received this document directly to your e-mail address, please subscribe to the e-Bulletins service by selecting CCH Engagement in the CCH Accountants' Suite section. You will automatically receive an e-mail each time a new software update is available.
Should you have any questions regarding this release, please contact the Support Centre at 1-800-268-4522 or register to our Support Platform and submit a support ticket.
Thank you for choosing CCH Engagement.
Wolters Kluwer
We are pleased to announce the latest release of the CPA Engagement Templates.
Please note that these templates are based on the latest release of the Professional Engagement Guide (PEG), which complies with the Canadian Auditing Standards and the review and compilation standards (Other Canadian Standards).
The CPA Engagement Templates include:
- Electronic audit, review and compilation programs;
- Workpapers;
- Checklists;
- Correspondence templates.
New in this release
This version includes a set of new revised forms for group audits which has been developed as a result of the revised CAS 600, effective for audits of financial statements for periods beginning on or after December 15, 2023.
Download Instructions
Please note that this version is only available for download. If you need assistance to retrieve your username and password, contact Customer Service at 1-800-268-4522 or register to our Support Platform and submit a support ticket.
Important: Before downloading the CPA Engagement Templates, read the document entitled Download and Technical Information.
To download the new version, proceed as follows:
- Access the Download Centre.
- Type your username and password in the Login section and click Log in.
- In the Dashboard page, click the Files Centre button in the Download section.
- In the CCH Accountants' Suite section, click CCH Engagement Templates.
You will then be able to download the new version of the CPA Engagement Templates and the related documentation. Please take note of your activation key, which is displayed in the Master Activation Key section, as you will need it during the installation.
The CPA Engagement Templates are available as an annual subscription. During the subscription period, Wolters Kluwer will give you acccess to any changes or updates to the programs and checklists at no extra charge.
Please note that the CPA Canada Member Services Group requires subscribers to CPA Engagement Templates to also be PEG subscribers.
Subscribe to the CCH Engagement e-Bulletin
If you have not received this document directly to your e-mail address, please subscribe to the e-Bulletins service by selecting CCH Engagement in the CCH Accountants' Suite section. You will automatically receive an e-mail each time a new software update is available.
Should you have any questions regarding this release, please contact the Support Centre at 1-800-268-4522 or register to our Support Platform and submit a support ticket.
Thank you for choosing CCH Engagement.
Wolters Kluwer