Sujets d'actualité - Semaine du 22 décembre 2024
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Service à la clientèle et Centre de soutien - Horaire modifié pour la période des Fêtes 2024 (HE) Remarque : Le soutien téléphonique n'est offert que les lundis et mardis exclusivement aux clients Taxprep et CCH iFirm et cessera à la fin de l'année. Les produits CCH AnswerConnect, AliForm, CCH Engagement, CCH Practice Management, CCH Scan et CCH Site Builder sont déjà uniquement supportés par demandes de soutien en ligne. Pour obtenir plus de détails sur les façons de communiquer avec nous, veuillez consulter notre site Web d'entreprise. Plateforme de soutien : tout ce qu'il faut savoir
Veuillez consulter les vidéos ci-dessous pour savoir comment vous inscrire à la plateforme de soutien et optimiser son utilisation : Articles les plus consultés de notre base de connaissances la semaine dernière
Cet article est disponible en anglais seulement
Date : 2020-jui.-7
Release of CCH ProSystem fx Practice Management v.2020.20.01
We are pleased to announce the latest release of CCH ProSystem fx Practice Management, version 2020.20.01, which is now available for download.
You will then be able to download the documentation and the new version of the software. We also recommend that you save the files to a temporary location on your workstation.
If you need assistance to retrieve your username and password, contact Customer Service at
1-800-268-4522 or send an e-mail to
New in this release
We have devoted this release to enhance CCH ProSystem fx Practice Management features and resolve known issues. For more details, please see the Release Notes.
Issue Resolution
System Requirements
The Minimum System Requirements have changed. They can be found here.
Review your Documentation
Before you install this latest release, please review the documentation thoroughly, including the Release Notes available for download. The Release Notes contain more information about the enhancements, the corrections made to the software and supported operating systems. Should you have any questions regarding this release, please contact the Support Centre at 1-800-268-4522 or send an e-mail to
Subscribe to the CCH ProSystem fx Practice Management e-Bulletin
If you have not received this document directly to your e-mail address, please subscribe to our Newsletter by selecting CCH ProSystem fx Practice Management. You will automatically receive an e-mail each time a new software update is available.
Thank you for choosing CCH ProSystem fx Practice Management.
Wolters Kluwer Canada
We are pleased to announce the latest release of CCH ProSystem fx Practice Management, version 2020.20.01, which is now available for download.
Please follow the instructions below to download the new version:
- Access the Download Centre.
- Type your username and password in the Login section and click Log In.
- In the Dashboard page, click the Files Centre button in the Download section.
- In the CCH Accountants' Suite section, click CCH ProSystem fx Practice Management.
- Read and accept all the terms of the License Agreement.
You will then be able to download the documentation and the new version of the software. We also recommend that you save the files to a temporary location on your workstation.
If you need assistance to retrieve your username and password, contact Customer Service at
1-800-268-4522 or send an e-mail to
New in this release
We have devoted this release to enhance CCH ProSystem fx Practice Management features and resolve known issues. For more details, please see the Release Notes.
- The look and feel of folders and grids have been updated for better readability.
Quick Bill Auto Apply is a new option when billing. This option provides a quick way to apply outstanding progress amounts when billing multiple engagements with automatic redistribution of progress amounts if required.
- A new tab has been added to the Employee Dashboard with the banked and used hours detail by date.
- A new tab has been added to the Client Dashboard for better readability of accounts receivable information. The default permission for this tab is No.
- The Accounts Receivable statement criteria has a new format option, i.e. Remaining Amount, to automatically include only clients that have an outstanding balance as of the cut-off date.
- A new option in Security Setup under Administration now provides permission to access the GL Accounting report available in Administration Activities. Default for this new option is Yes.
When using the Progress History report type or template (under Client), you may set up a column to view the amount of progress billed and applied by date. You can now add the Progress Balance column to show the balance for each row. Use totals for all three columns to see the progress balance as of the end date entered.
- When changing servers for CCH ProSystem fx Practice Management, a new utility to change the location of the firm invoice logo is available. This utility will replace the storage address of the old location with the new location.
Issue Resolution
The Release Notes contain all information relating to enhancements made to the following modules:
- ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: Enabling the All Employees option when printing deposit slips.
- ADMINISTRATION AND BILLING: Correcting WIP for a non-billable client.
- CONTACT MANAGEMENT: The project tab in Contact Management now correctly applies the security for “Project Lists – All Projects.”
- PROJECT: The Custom fields can no longer be edited without the appropriate security.
- All Reports: The vertical scroll bar is now available to select one or more employees on the employee tab within the setup for each report.
- Billing Worksheet: An error is no longer generated running with the Summarize Progress Detail option enabled and a firm fiscal year end of 02/29.
- Billing Report: Generating the Billing Report for Unposted Billings no longer produces an error.
- High Client Billing Report: When running by Bill Manager now sorts correctly by Bill Manager.
- Tax Routing Slip: This report now correctly reports only the employees associated with the projects selected based on the chosen report criteria.
System Requirements
The Minimum System Requirements have changed. They can be found here.
Support of former versions or environments recently discontinued
- Microsoft® SQL Server 2012/2012 R2 – Support ended November 30, 2019.
- Windows 7, Professional Edition or above - Support ended November 30, 2019
- SQL Server 2012 - Support ended November 30, 2019
Review your Documentation
Before you install this latest release, please review the documentation thoroughly, including the Release Notes available for download. The Release Notes contain more information about the enhancements, the corrections made to the software and supported operating systems. Should you have any questions regarding this release, please contact the Support Centre at 1-800-268-4522 or send an e-mail to
Subscribe to the CCH ProSystem fx Practice Management e-Bulletin
If you have not received this document directly to your e-mail address, please subscribe to our Newsletter by selecting CCH ProSystem fx Practice Management. You will automatically receive an e-mail each time a new software update is available.
Thank you for choosing CCH ProSystem fx Practice Management.
Wolters Kluwer Canada