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Hot topics - Week of February 9, 2025
End of Phone Support: Benefit from our Advanced Virtual Agent 24/7!
As of January 1, 2025, the customer support teams will offer their high-quality service exclusively through digital channels, and will no longer offer incoming phone support. See the communication sent on this matter for further details.
Register for our Support platform and log in to our virtual agent to find answers, submit a support ticket or chat with a live agent.
Support Platform Help Centre
Having trouble registering or logging in to the platform? The Support Platform Help Centre contains a live chat that will allow you to chat with a real agent to resolve these technical issues. It also centralizes all the articles and videos you need to get the best out of the web ticketing system.
Important note: The live chat staff will ONLY be able to assist you with login issues – any other request will need to be submitted via a support case, once the login issue has been resolved. 
This week most consulted articles from our Knowledge Base
  1. CRA Efile error - account number given in the attached T619 electronic transmittal records does not match the account number you used to sign in
  2. Form CRA Efile error - Invalid formatting detected in one or more field
  3. How do I register for the '''' Support Platform?
  4. What identification numbers do I need to be able to file slips or a T5013 return electronically, and how do I set the options in the program?
  5. CRA ERROR CODE 503.0 - The web address for Federal EFILE does not redirect to the appropriate CRA page
  6. CRA ERROR T5 slip "Filer account number is missing or invalid for this type of return"
  7. CRA FORMS: Can I transmit slips and T5013 returns using the federal transmitter number MM for 2023 and prior years?
  8. Cannot log in to the '''' Support Platform
  9. How do I reset my password on the '''' Support Platform?
  10. When will the next version of Taxprep, Cantax, or iFirm Taxprep be released?
Date: 2024-Feb.-21
Cantax T2/T2Plus
Troubleshooting Memos

2024-February-21 Versions
Schedule 63 – The version of Schedule 63 does not take into account the 2023 payment rates and does not contain the designated provinces that have been added for the 2023 year

Schedule 3 – The amount on line 280 must not exceed the amount on line 275

Schedule 31 – The $40,000,000 amount in Part 10 is not calculated, impacting the calculation of the SR&ED expenditure limit for a CCPC that is not associated in Schedule 31 and, when applicable, in Schedules 403 and 425

Schedule 411, Saskatchewan Corporation Tax Calculation – Extension of Saskatchewan’s lower tax rate of 0% for tax years ending after June 30, 2022

The application crashes when opening or carrying forward a file saved with a version preceding version 22.1.3xx.108

Schedule 8 – The amount eligible for immediate expensing is incorrect for a taxation year with a number of days between 357 and 364

Schedules S8OTHER, S8C, S7-R and S1B – Automobile expense deduction limits for acquisitions and leases entered into after 2021 are incorrect

Schedules S8OTHER and S7-R – The amount on line “Adjusted UCC” does not take into account the immediate expensing amount when an addition is a designated immediate expensing property (DIEP) and the net cost of additions is negative

To view the Cantax T2 and T2Plus Troubleshooting Memos, consult the Knowledge Base.