Sujets d'actualité - Semaine du 22 décembre 2024
Wolters Kluwer Canada vous souhaite un très joyeux temps des Fêtes!
Service à la clientèle et Centre de soutien - Horaire modifié pour la période des Fêtes 2024 (HE) Remarque : Le soutien téléphonique n'est offert que les lundis et mardis exclusivement aux clients Taxprep et CCH iFirm et cessera à la fin de l'année. Les produits CCH AnswerConnect, AliForm, CCH Engagement, CCH Practice Management, CCH Scan et CCH Site Builder sont déjà uniquement supportés par demandes de soutien en ligne. Pour obtenir plus de détails sur les façons de communiquer avec nous, veuillez consulter notre site Web d'entreprise. Plateforme de soutien : tout ce qu'il faut savoir
Veuillez consulter les vidéos ci-dessous pour savoir comment vous inscrire à la plateforme de soutien et optimiser son utilisation : Articles les plus consultés de notre base de connaissances la semaine dernière
Cet article est disponible en anglais seulement
Date : 2017-nov.-8
CCH Engagement – Troubleshooting Memo (November 8, 2017)
UPDATE AVAILABLE – CCH Engagement menu commands not available on the add-in ribbon and contextual menu in Microsoft® Excel® Workpapers when version 1707 of Microsoft Office® 365TM is used
As mentionned in the troubleshooting memo published on October 4, 2017, a problem has been detected in version 1707 (Build 8326.2107) of Microsoft Office 365, which was released last September and includes the stand-alone version of Microsoft Office 2016. This problem prevents the CCH Engagement menu commands on the ribbon and contextual menu from displaying in Microsoft Excel workpapers.
If you are experiencing this display probem, a hotfix can be installed by following the instructions in this Knowledge Base article, Microsoft Office 365™ September update results in multiple addin issues in CCH Prosystem fx Engagement or Workpaper Manager.
In addition, Microsoft has released an update through one of its update channels which corrects a problem where trial balance reports displayed duplicate rows. For more information about this problem, consult our support site. This update will not correct trial balance reports that were corrupted before resolution of the problem, but it will prevent any future corruption from occurring. Therefore, if one of your reports was corrupted, it will need to be created again.
Should you have any questions, please contact our Support Centre at 1-800-268-4522 or send an e-mail to
Wolters Kluwer Canada
UPDATE AVAILABLE – CCH Engagement menu commands not available on the add-in ribbon and contextual menu in Microsoft® Excel® Workpapers when version 1707 of Microsoft Office® 365TM is used
As mentionned in the troubleshooting memo published on October 4, 2017, a problem has been detected in version 1707 (Build 8326.2107) of Microsoft Office 365, which was released last September and includes the stand-alone version of Microsoft Office 2016. This problem prevents the CCH Engagement menu commands on the ribbon and contextual menu from displaying in Microsoft Excel workpapers.
If you are experiencing this display probem, a hotfix can be installed by following the instructions in this Knowledge Base article, Microsoft Office 365™ September update results in multiple addin issues in CCH Prosystem fx Engagement or Workpaper Manager.
In addition, Microsoft has released an update through one of its update channels which corrects a problem where trial balance reports displayed duplicate rows. For more information about this problem, consult our support site. This update will not correct trial balance reports that were corrupted before resolution of the problem, but it will prevent any future corruption from occurring. Therefore, if one of your reports was corrupted, it will need to be created again.
Should you have any questions, please contact our Support Centre at 1-800-268-4522 or send an e-mail to
Wolters Kluwer Canada